| 1. | A hailstone hit the county on monday , and caused losses to the banana production 当日18时30分左右,云南省勐腊县遭遇冰雹袭击,香蕉等作物不同程度遭受损失。 |
| 2. | Where the agent acted beyond the scope of authorization , thereby causing loss to the principal , it shall pay damages 受托人超越权限给委托人造成损失的,应当赔偿损失。 |
| 3. | Where the power supplier failed to timely make emergency repair , thereby causing loss to the power customer , it shall be liable for damages 未及时抢修,造成用电人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
| 4. | If the party disclosed or improperly used such trade secret , thereby causing loss to the other party , it shall be liable for damages 泄露或者不正当地使用该商业秘密给对方造成损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
| 5. | The trustee shall bear liability of compensation if he violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and causes losses to the trust property 受托人违反前款规定,造成信托财产损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 |
| 6. | Article 28 anyone who has caused losses to crops or other losses while hunting or catching wildlife shall be held responsible for compensation 第二十八条因猎捕野生动物造成农作物或者其他损失的,由猎捕者负责赔偿。 |
| 7. | If the payer ' s intentional delay in payment causes losses to the bearer , then the payer shall bear liability for compensation according to the law 票据的付款人故意压票,拖延支付,给持票人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。 |
| 8. | Where the hirer changed its requirements for the hired work while the work was under way , thereby causing loss to the hiree , the hirer shall indemnify the hiree 第二百五十八条定作人中途变更承揽工作的要求,造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。 |
| 9. | Where the power supplier suspended power supply without notifying the power customer in advance , thereby causing loss to the power customer , it shall be liable for damages 未事先通知用电人中断供电,造成用电人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。 |
| 10. | Capital market is full of risks . the risks of capital market include individual risk and systematic risk which will cause losses to all investors 其中,系统性风险是指导致市场上所有交易品种价格发生变动,会给一切投资者造成损失的那些风险。 |